Look for the + sign in the bottom right hand corner of the app. When you expand the icon you will see an option for Bulk Add*.

Click on the option you want to import, they both work the same way.

From this screen you have 2 options:

  1. You can type or paste the information into the text box
    • First Name - required for both associate and prospect
    • Last Name - required for both associate and prospect
    • Email, - required for associate
    • Phone - not required
    • Notes - not required
  2. Upload an excel or csv file with the same information
    • A template is available for download to make creating the file easier

Once you have either created a spreadsheet of information or typed the information directly into the text box, check the box that indicates you have permission to contact these people, then click the Bulk Add and Invite.

*Bulk add is only available to users who have a position of SMD or higher

Keywords: bulk add, associate, prospect, upload, import